Extra energy & losses
Hi! How can I correctly input Additional Energy Use? Each time I add some equipment, and then start the simulation, it keeps zero's in all “nominal power” cells. And then gives me 0.0 in Delivered energy report.
Hi! How can I correctly input Additional Energy Use? Each time I add some equipment, and then start the simulation, it keeps zero's in all “nominal power” cells. And then gives me 0.0 in Delivered energy report.
We plan to have a new version during the first quarter of next year.
Any suggestions when such an update will be pushed?
Yes, this is a bug. It will be fixed in the next version of ESBO. Thanks for reporting the bug.
Take a look. Here are standart settings I used: https://ibb.co/n81B39g
and additional eqv settings: https://ibb.co/D7Ms4qp
Then I start simulation and see this in Delivered energy report: https://ibb.co/njtD53d
And if I reopen Extra energy window, i see all didits become zero: https://ibb.co/NStNDRn
As a result, I can not simmulate Energy usega of non internal eqvipment.
Any ideas?
If you add equipment power under Internal gains in the Room tab and have a schedule that is not “Always off” you should get results accordingly in the “Overview” table of the Delivered Energy Report after an Energy simulation. I am not sure what you mean by “all nominal power cells”.
Asked: 2021-12-06 11:46:03 +0000
Seen: 570 times
Last updated: Dec 13 '21